This is My Story

From being a graduate looking for a corporate career to starting my own entrepreneurial endeavours at 22

Hey! As you can see in the logo I'm Peter

Economist turned entrepreneur, now pursuing a Master's in Strategic Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Passionate about innovation and ready to take on challenges. Join me on the entrepreneurial journey!


In a world where numbers once dominated my path, I discovered a profound passion for innovation and entrepreneurship.


πŸ‘‹That's me

The Numbers Game: My journey began with a solid foundation in economics at Lomonosov Moscow State University. While mastering the intricacies of markets and finance, I felt a growing desire for something beyond equations and charts.

A Spark of Insight: It was during my internship that the spark of entrepreneurship ignited. As I delved into analyses and audits, I uncovered hidden opportunities, realizing that entrepreneurship had the power to turn ideas into tangible impact.

The Pivot: Armed with this new perspective, I pursued a Master's degree in Strategic Entrepreneurship & Innovation at King's College London. Here, I immersed myself in the realms of strategy, data, and project management, honing my skills to craft innovative solutions.

The Journey Continues: Today, I stand at the intersection of strategy and innovation, eager to embark on an entrepreneurial odyssey. My mission is clear - to tackle complex challenges, provide insightful recommendations, and drive growth.

Join Me: This journey is not mine alone; it's an invitation for you to come along. Let's connect and explore the limitless potential of entrepreneurship. Together, we can transform ideas into action, numbers into innovation, and dreams into reality.


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